磁敏感加权成像( susceptibilility weighted imanging,SWI) 是利用相位信息成像以增加磁共振成像对
降解产物、钙和铁元素等具有重要作用。本文对SWI 的原理及在中枢神经系统疾病中的临床应用进行综述。
[Key word]
Susceptibilility weighted imanging( SWI) is a new means to enhance contrast in MRI,
which uses phase information to generate a unique contrast. Postprocessing is applied to the magnitude
image by means of a phase mask to enhance the the contrast between tissue with magnetic suscptibility
difference. SWI plays an important role in evaluating venous,hemoglobin breakdown products,calcium.
and iron content in the brain. In the paper, the principle and clinical applicaiong of in the central nervous
system disease will be reviewed.
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