目的: 了解内蒙古牧区居民高血压患病率并探索其高血压病的影响因素。方法: 采用随机整群抽样
方法从内蒙古牧区蒙古族居民中选取682 名,对其进行血压检测和蒙古语标准问卷调查。问卷内容包括调查对
象人口学因素、糖尿病史、体力活动程度、吸烟及饮酒情况、身高和体重等。结果: 高血压患病总率26. 29%,
男34. 37%; 女20. 8%。男性、高龄、文化程度高、超重和肥胖、糖尿病、饮酒以及参加重体力劳动等为高血压的
影响因素( P<0. 05) ,而参加中度体力劳动为高血压的保护因素( OR: 0. 42; 95%CI: 0. 28 ~ 0. 62) 。偏瘦和吸烟与
高血压之间未发现有关联。结论: 内蒙古牧区蒙古族高血压患病率高于多数国内其它地区。健康教育工作应以
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the prevalence rate of hypertension among Mongolian residents
in pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia and explore the influencing factors of hypertension in the selected
area. Methods: A randomized cluster sampling method was used to select 682 Mongolian residents from
two pastoral areas. Blood pressure of the participants was tested by trained health workers and a standardized
questionnaire was asked using Mongolian characters. The questionnaire includes demographic
factors of the participants,history of diabetes,physical activity,smoking and alcohol consumption,
height and weight etc.Results: Hypertension prevalence rate in total was 26. 29%,male 34. 37%; female
20. 8%. Male gender,older age,higher educational level,overweight and obesity,patients with diabetes,
alcohol drinking,participation in heavy physical labor or activity were possible risk factors of
hypertension( P<0. 05) . Participating in moderate physical activity,however,was found to be the protective
factor of hypertension( OR: 0. 42; 95% CI: 0. 28 ~ 0. 62) . No associations were found between
hypertension and low body weight, smoking. Conclusion: Prevalence rate of hypertension in Inner Mon-
golian pastoral areas remains higher than that in most other regions in China. Major risk factors of hypertension
found in this study such as obesity and heavy alcohol drinking should be prioritized within
the indicators of health education prevention programs on hypertension in Inner Mongolia.
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收稿日期: 2013-11-16; 修回日期: 2014-01-04
基金项目: 内蒙古医科大学教学改革研究项目( NYDJGB201210)
作者简介: 乌斯琴图亚( 1973-) ,女,蒙古族,内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院讲师,医学硕士。