目的:评价前门控模式下低体质量指数人群降低管电压的图像质量与辐射剂量。方法: 本研究入选
行CTCA 检查的病人40 例,其中心率( heart rate,HR) < 65 bpm、心率变异( heart rate variability,HRv) < 5 bpm、体
质量指数( body mass index,BMI) ≤24 kg /m2,所有病人均进行前瞻性心电门控CTCA,管电压设置为100 kV,管
电流400mA。统计描述冠状动脉节段可评估率与CTCA 辐射剂量。结果: 40 例病人共显示冠状动脉节段数527
个,平均每例病人显示13. 18个节段。冠状动脉节段可评估率为99. 05%。40 例病人平均计量长度乘积( DLP) 为
( 91. 41 ± 13. 36) mGy·cm,范围80. 52 mGy·cm ~ 103. 37 mGy·cm;平均有效剂量( ED) 为( 1. 58 ± 0. 23) mSv,范
围1. 37 mSv ~ 1. 83 mSv. 结论: 前瞻性心电门控技术下管电压设置为100 kV 可以大幅度减低辐射剂量,并且可
[Key word]
Objective: To evaluate image quality and radiation dose for coronary artery computed
tomographic angiography( CTA) obtained with low tube voltage for a prospectively gated axial( PGA) CT
technique in low body mass index. Methods: Eighty patients enrolled in this study. The group A was 40
patients with low BMI,HRand HRv using PGA scan technique( tube voltage was 120kV and tube current
was 400mA) . Image acquisition was performed at 75%of the R- Rinterval. The percentage of assessable
coronary artery segments and radiation dose were used to evaluate diagnostic value. Results:
527 coronary artery segments were depicted and evaluated. The percentage of assessable coronary artery
segments was 99. 05%. The mean DLP and effective dose were( 91. 41 ± 13. 36) mGy·cm,1. 58 ±
0. 23mSv, respectively. Conclusion: Low tube voltage for PGA CT technique could offer assessable image
quality and substantially reduced effective radiation dose at low HR and HRv.
R445. 3
收稿日期: 2013 - 11 - 28; 修回日期: 2014 - 01 - 18
基金项目: 内蒙古高等学校科学研究项目( NJZY07091) ; 内蒙古财政厅科研项目( NC20080018)
作者简介: 邢桂荣( 1965 - ) ,女,内蒙古医科大附属医院CT 室副主任技师。
通讯作者: 刘挨师,主任医师,E - mail: LIUAISHI@ sina. com 内蒙古医科大附属医院CT 室, 010050