勒超声鉴别诊断价值。方法: 回顾分析2010 - 03 ~ 2012 - 05 因甲状腺结节就诊并行手术治疗的病人200 例,共
记录结节358 个。手术前行甲状腺彩色多普勒超声检查:记录结节的边界,结节内部回声性质,结节中心部钙化
情况,结节内部及边缘血流情况等超声特征。结果: 术后病理: 甲状腺良性结节253 个,恶性结节105 个。结节
[Key word]
Objective: To analysis the ultrasonic characteristic of malignant nodules and evaluate
the diagnostic value of doppler ultrasonography on predicting thyroid malignant nodes. Methods: A total
of 200 patients with 358 thyroid nodules were dectcted by doppler ultrasonography in our hospital from
March 2010 to May 2012 retrospectively. The ultrasonography features such as shape margin,echotexture,
ehogenicity,presence and type of calcification,blood flow inside or around nodules were evaluated
before surgery. Results: 253 nolules were benign and 105 were malignant. Ill - defined border, solid and
hypoechogenicity calcification and blood flow around the node was frequently seen in margilant nolules.
Conclusion: A combined using of conventional ultrasonography features can improve the accuracy of
differential diagnosis.
R454. 3
收稿日期: 2013 - 11 - 16; 修回日期: 2014 - 01 - 16
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( H1818)
作者简介: 赵爱珍( 1925 - ) ,女,内蒙古医科大学附属医院超声诊断科主治医师。
通讯作者: 张小杉,副主任医师,E - mail:
13947133133@139. com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院, 010059