本文从不同的来源论述了蒙医文献以及目前的应用情况。16 世纪前被称为古蒙医学,没有完整的
蒙医专著流传于世。16 世纪蒙医引入了藏医、印度医学、中医阴阳理论、脉象理论和部分中药,形成了的近代蒙
医学,可将疾病分为103 种以上,用不同的处方治疗。解放后,采用现代研究方法,在蒙药有效成分等研究上有
[Key word]
This paper describes the formation of modern Mongolian medicine from various sources
and its current applications. Before the 16th century, the local medicine had existed in Mongolia. It had
its own medicine theories,which were ascribed to ancient Mongolian medicine. However there were no
systematic medicine literatures at that time. In the 16th century,Tibetan medicine, Indian medicine, traditional
Chinese medicine theory of Yin - Yang,and part of traditional Chinese medicine pulse theory
were introduced to Mongolian medicine and shaped the modern Mongolian medicine. Diseases were divided
into more than 103 categories and treated with different prescriptions. After 1949,great progress
has been made in studies of identifying active ingredients of Mongolian medicine. Research in modern
Mongolian medicine is promising. Modern Mongolian medicine dose not exclude western medicine,
which is also used whenever needed.
G255; R291. 2
收稿日期: 2013 - 11 - 18; 修回日期: 2014 - 01 - 06
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区科技计划( 社发) 项目( 2011)
作者简介: 樊桂萍( 1964 - ) ,女,内蒙古医科大学图书馆副研究馆员。
通讯作者: 程立新,审编,E - mail:
lx6928@163. com 内蒙古医科大学, 010059