目的: 了解我院鲍曼不动杆菌的感染分布与耐药情况,为临床治疗提供依据。方法: 对住院病人送
检样本中培养分离出的825 株鲍曼不动杆菌的感染分布与耐药情况进行分析。采用稀释法进行药物敏感试验,
结果按CLSI 标准判定。结果: 鲍曼不动杆菌主要分布在重症监护病房( ICU) 和呼吸科,主要来自痰标本
( 90. 6%) ,对丁胺卡那霉素的耐药率最低( 16. 28%) ,其次为亚胺培南( 31. 25%) ,对其他19 种抗菌药物的耐药
率均较高。结论: 鲍曼不动杆菌主要引起呼吸道感染,对现有多种抗菌药物耐药严重,提示临床医师必须对该菌
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the clinical distribution and drug resistance of Acinetobacter
baumannii in order to offer basis for the clinical therapeutics. Methods: Analyze the infection distribution
and drug resistance of 825 samples of Acinetobacter baumannii that were isolated from various
kinds of specimens from inpatients. The drug sensitivity test was done by means of dilution,and then
the results were assessed with CLSI ( Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute ) . Results:
Acinetobacter baumannii samples were mainly distributed in ICU ward and Respiration department. The
highest positive rate of Acinetobacter baumannii was in sputum( 90. 6%) . The resistance rates to Amikacin
( 16. 28%) . were the lowest,and to Imipenem ( 31. 25%) came to be next. Acinetobacter
baumannii were high resistant to other 19 tested antibiotics. Conclusions: Acinetobacter baumannii is a
common pathogen of respiratory tract infection,which has a high resistance rate to the current clinical
antibacterial agents. Consequently,clinical doctors should attach more importance to the infection resulted
from Acinetobacter Baumannii.
收稿日期: 2014-04-15; 修回日期: 2014-06-16
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区自然基金立项资助课题( 2013MS11113)
作者简介: 燕成岭( 1962-) ,男,内蒙古自治区人民医院检验科主任检验师。
通讯作者: 樊淑珍,主任检验师,E-mail:
nmyyycl@126. com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院检验科, 010050