目的: 通过对PET/CT 的图像和报告进行技术评分和诊断评分,探讨导致PET/CT 技术评分和诊断
评分低的原因。方法: 对2012-01~ 2012-1218F-FDG PET/CT 全身显像2470 例,男1392 例,女1078 例,采用技
术评分和诊断评分标准进行图像及诊断报告评分。结果: 2470 例中按技术评分标准进行评分,评分优1365 例,
占55.26%( 1365 /2470) ,良1036 例,占41.94%( 1036 /2470) ,合格67 例,占2.71%( 67 /2470) ,不合格2 例,占
0.08%( 2 /2470) 。按诊断评分标准评分,优1206 例,占48.83%( 1206 /2470) ,良1261 例,占51.05%( 1261 /2470) ,
合格2 例,占0.08%( 2 /2470) ,不合格1 例,占0.04%( 1 /2470) 。同时对于评分减低的相应原因进行分析。结论:
通过PET/CT 的技术评分和诊断评分标准可及时分析出导致技术评分和诊断技术评分低的原因,增强工作人员
的质量保证( quality assurance,QA) 与质量控制( quality control,QC) 管理意识,对提高医疗质量,减少医疗差错十
[Key word]
Objective: To discuss the causes of the low PET /CT technology score and diagnosis
score by analysing PET imaging and report according to the technology and diagnosis score criteria.
Methods: Two thousand and four hundred seventy cases ( 1392 males,1078 females,average age of
50.8±10.7,accumulated from January 1.2012 to December 31.2012) were included in our study,PET /
CT technology and diagnosis score criteria were performed in all patients.Results: According to the
technology score criteria,PET images of 1365 cases were excellent,accounting for 55.26%( 1365 /
2470) ; PET images of 1036 cases were good,accounting for 41.94%( 1036 /2470) ; PET image of 67
cases were qualified,accounting for 2.71%( 67 /2470) ; PET image of 2 cases were unqualified,accounting
for 0.08%( 2 /2470) .According to the diagnostic score criteria,PET report of 1206 cases were
excellent,accounting for 48.83%( 1026 /2470) ; PET reports of 1261 cases were good,accounting for
51.05%( 1261 /2470) ; PET reports of 2 cases were qualified,accounting for 0.08%( 2 /2470) ; PET reports
of 1 case was unqualified,accounting for 0.04%( 1 /2470) .At the same time, reasons for low technology
score and diagnosis score were analyzed.Conclusion: Throush the PET /CT technology and diagnosis
score criteria can timely find the causes of low technology and diagnosis score,which can enhance
the staff's quality assurance( quality assurance QA) and quality control( quality control QC) and the
management consciousness, that will improve the quality of medical treatment and reduce medical error.
收稿日期: 2016-01-09; 修回日期: 2016-04-03
基金项目: 国家自然基金项目( 81360224)
作者简介: 刘磊( 1990-) ,男,内蒙古医科大学附属医院核医学科医师。
通讯作者: 王雪梅,主任医师,E-mail: Wangxuemei@ 163.com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院, 010050