目的: 通过对6-姜烯酚( 6-SH) 与NF-κB 分子间的作用方式,评价6-SH 对NF-κB 信号通路的影
响。方法: 利用蛋白质组学方法及分子对接技术,使用western-blotting 和Discoveray Studio 2.5分子建模和模拟环
境软件,采用模拟蒙特卡罗方法在LigandFit 模块中将6-姜烯酚与NF-κB 分子的活性位点进行柔性对接,观察
配体结合取向、结合构象以及形状匹配等多种表现。结果: 6-SH 能够抑制NF-κB 蛋白的表达; 6-SH 与NF-κB
的Tyr57,Val58,Cys59,Tyr143,Lys145,Lys146 氨基酸残基末端结合,并且与Lys145 之间产生交互作用,最终一致
性分析得分为41.27,配体内部的能量为-3.52。结论: 6-SH 通过与NF-κB 活性位点结合,影响其调控的信号转
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate effects between6 - shogaol and NF - κB with docking.
Methods: Docking was carried out against structure of NF-kappa B p 50 homodimer bound to a kappa
B site for possible inhibitory effect of6-SH.A suitable active-site was identified in the target protein via
define active site module within the Discovery Studio 2.5.It works on cavity detection algorithm,where,
a shape comparison filter was combined with Monte Carlo technique to produce various ligand conformations.
This was carried out to calculate the non-bonded interactions between the ligand and catalytic
residues of the target protein.Result: Docking analysis showed that,6 -SH was located deep in the cleft
lined with Tyr57,Val 58 and Cys59,Tyr143,Lys 145 and Lys 146 of the Chain B of p 50 NF-κB.It also
showed the formation of the one pi-cation interaction with Lys145.In terms of scoring profile,6 -SH
was again revealed as efficient ligand to control the activity of NF-κB with DOCK SCORE of 41.27and
ligand internal energy of-3.52.Conclusion: It is proved by docking the effect6-SH on the inhibition of
收稿日期: 2016-04-22; 修回日期: 2016-08-08
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 81470228)
作者简介: 王婧超( 1982-) ,女,汉族,内蒙古医科大学附属医院重症医学科主治医师,医学博士。