目的: 分析大数据时代背景下糖尿病个体化治疗相关研究的文献发表情况。方法: 以“personalized
medicine”、“diabetes mellitus”作为关键词,通过智能搜索引擎工具GoPubMed 检索相关文献,并利用在线分析工
具,对糖尿病个体化治疗相关文献进行计量分析。结果: 共检索到107 篇相关文献,呈上升趋势。文献主要分布
于北美、欧洲和亚洲,其中美国在糖尿病个体化相关研究的文献数量和影响力均居首位。Diabetes 刊载相关文献
为5 篇,占总数的4.67%,占首位。糖尿病个体化治疗研究的主题词涉及代谢、基因组学等。以Scheen、McCarty、
Freedman 发表最多,分别发表糖尿病个体化研究2 篇; 美国发表的相关论文不管在数量( 50 篇) 还是影响力( 4
篇) 方面都高于我国( 数量和高影响力论文分别为5 篇和1 篇) 。结论: 大数据时代利用搜索引擎GoPubMed 分
析相关文献可较好反映糖尿病个体化治疗研究的现状和发展趋势; 我国的相关研究与美国存在差距,仍需要提
[Key word]
Objective: To the analyze situation of published literatures related with personalized
medicine of diabetes mellitus by means of searching big data.Methods: The intelligent search engine
GoPubMed was searched using the terms“personalized medicine”and“diabetes mellitus”.The published
literatures related with personalized medicine of diabetes mellitus were analyzed with the online
analysis tool of the search engine.Results: 107papers were hitted.Amounts of related papers increased
year by year.Most of them were mainly distributed in North America,Europe and Asia.Therein,Amercia
was the first in the perspective of the amounts and influences of the papers.In the terms of journals,Diabetes
was the most and published 5 papers,accounting for 4.67%.The medical subject headings of personlized
medicine of diabetes mellitus referred to“metabolism”,“genomics”,and so on.As regards authors,
the papers signed by Scheen,McCarty and Freedman was the most. In addition,both the total
numbers of papers and the numbers of high-impact ones from United States( 50and 4 papers, respectively)
were more than from China( only 5 and 1 papers, respectively) .Conlusion: The situations and developmental
trends of studies on personalized medicine of diabetes mellitus might be reflected by analy-
sing related literatures using search engine GoPubMed under the background of big data era.The research
discrepancy between United States and China is still big. Therefore,our creativity is still be
strengthened to improve amounts and influences of published papers.
收稿日期: 2016-11-18; 修回日期: 2016-12-09
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金( MS20101206)
作者简介: 王晓霞( 1972-) ,女,内蒙古自治区人民医院药学处副主任药师。