和治疗提供科学依据。方法:采用病例对照研究方法,选择2015-01~ 2016-12 间因甲状腺肿瘤在内蒙古自治区
东部地区盟市级三级以上医院住院手术且经病理诊断确诊为甲状腺肿瘤的女性病人184 例。同时选取同医院
同时期住院并排除甲状腺等相关疾病的女性病人共183 例作为对照组。对甲状腺肿瘤病人及对照组使用统一
设计的调查表,由经过培训的调查员进行面对面调查。调查表的内容主要包括: 一般情况、饮食习惯、生活行为
方式、社会心理因素、疾病史、家族史、女性生育史等。所获资料采用SPSS 13.0软件,通过Logistic 回归分析各因
活压力,处事态度,糖尿病,月经初潮年龄及月经情况与女性甲状腺肿瘤的发生相关( P<0.05) 。结论: 腌、煎、
[Key word]
Objective: The thesis discusses the major risk factors for female thyroid tumor in
Hohhot area of Inner Mongolia and lays the scientific basis for the prevention and treatment.Methods:
The paper adopts a case control study,randomly electing 184 female patients who have suffered thyroid
tumor and who have been offered operations in the tertiary-level hospital of 5 cities in Inner Mongolia
from January,2015 to December,2016.Meanwhile,183 female patients who have been excluded from
being suffering the disease are chosen so as to make a comparison during the same time.A formal questionnaire
is made and a face-to-face interview is made by trained investigators to check the results,
Questionnaire includes the following contents: normal factors,behaviors,habitual factors,life style,
social mentality,personal disease factors,medicine and genetic factors and fertile factors.All the gained
data make up a database and statistical description and analysis are done by SPSS 13.0 software and regression
analysis is done through Logistic.Results:The Logistic regression analysis shows that the income(
P<0.05),the order of salt putting(P<0.05),different tastes(P<0.05),salty,fried,roasted food
(P<0.05),staying up late(P<0.05),pressure(P<0.05),attitude(P<0.05),diabetes(P<0.05),menarche
age(P<0.05)and menstrual cycle(P<0.05)are related to female thyroid tumor.Conclusion:This
study found that the high income,salt putting later,heavy tastes,often eating salty,fried,roasted food,
often staying up late,high pressure,negative attitude,diabetes,late menarche age and abnormal menstrual
cycle are apparently related to female thyroid tumor,prove to be the major risk factors for thyroid
tumor on this Epidemiological research.
R 736.1
收稿日期: 2017-01-18;修回日期: 2017-02-18
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区教育厅自然科学项目(NJzy08105);内蒙古自治区科技厅自然科学重大项目(2009Zd16)
作者简介: 赛恒(1991-),女,内蒙古医科大学基础医学院2013 级在读硕士研究生。
通讯作者: 吴岩,教授,E-mail:yanw007@ sina.com 内蒙古医科大学,010059