目的: 评价核磁共振3D-MERGE 序列对肩袖及其周围韧带损伤的临床应用价值。方法: 回顾性分
析20 例肩关节活动受限,临床症状疑诊肩袖损伤的病人,行常规肩关节磁共振扫描和3D-MERGE 序列扫描,对
比观察各条肌腱、韧带,探讨这个新序列诊断肩袖损伤的价值。结果: 3D-MERGE 序列能沿任意方位重建肩关
论: 3D-MERGE 序列能较准确的对肩袖及周围韧带的损伤做出诊断,更好的为临床医师提供科学依据。
[Key word]
Objective: To explore the diagnostic accuracy of the three-dimensional multiple echo
recalled gradient-echo( 3D-MERGE) scequence for rotator cuff injury.Methods: Retrospectively analyzed
the images of 20 patients with shoulder disease who was proceeded rounte MRI scequences and
3D-MERGE scequence in the study.Results: The shoulder joint could be rebuilded from any location
on the 3D-MERGE scequence,displayed the muscle tendon and ligament more clearly, so it had great
advantage than the rounte MRI scequences.The scan time of 3D MERGE was shorter than other sequences.
Conclusion: 3D-MERGE scequence can accurately diagnose the rotator cuff injury,and it is
better for the clinical doctor compared with other MRI exam.
收稿日期: 2017-03-03; 修回日期: 2017-06-02
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金( 2015MS08112)
作者简介: 张惠卿( 1973-) ,女,武警内蒙古总队医院特诊科副主任医师。
通讯作者: 乔鹏飞,副主任医师,医学博士,E-mail: qpfff@ 126.com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院磁共振室, 010050