目的:研究bFGF 对兔眼睑缝合法诱导的FDM 眼动脉血液动力学的影响,从而探讨bFGF 在近视眼 的发病机制中的作用。方法:单纯眼睑缝合法建立近视动物模型。取14 日龄幼兔45 只,分A、B、C 三组,每组 15 只。A 组:单纯缝合眼睑;B 组:缝合眼睑+结膜下注射bFGF+PBS;C 组:缝合眼睑+结膜下注射PBS. 均以右眼 为实验眼,左眼为对照眼。第60d,分别测量双眼屈光状态、眼周长度、眼动脉阻力及眼动脉收缩期和舒张期血 流流速。结果:A、C 两组眼睑缝合60d 后,与对侧眼相比诱导出相对近视,眼轴相对延长;而B 组屈光度和眼轴 长度双眼间差异无显著性。各组两眼间的眼动脉阻力及血流流速差异有显著性(P<0. 05);就实验眼而言A、C 两组间比较差异无显著性(P>0. 05),而B 组与A、C 两组间差异有极显著性(P<0. 01)。结论:眼睑缝合可引起 幼兔明显的轴性近视,伴随轴性近视出现眼动脉阻力增加、眼动脉血流流速减慢现象,而bFGF 可有效减低眼动 脉阻力、增加眼动脉血流流速。
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Objective:To investigate the effect of bFGF in pathological mechanism of myopia bybut comparison group B with group A and group C had notable significant differences. Conclusion: suturation eye-lid can induce axial myopia,higher ophthalmic artery resistance and slower ophthalmic artery blood stream velocity flow in rabbits. While bFGF can block these changes. observing ophthalmic artery blood dynamics in cultured rabbit with eyelid suture - induced form deprived myopia. Methods:Form deprivation method was applied to establish the animal models of myopia by suturation of right eye-lid. Fourteen-day of neonatal rabbits were divided into group A,B and C: in group A ( n = 15), no drug was used, while group B ( n = 15) received a serious of subconjunctival injection of bFGF+PBS+insuline and group C(n = 15) received PBS+insuline with monocular deprivation(MD). Respectively,the left eyes were employed as control groups. 60 days later,data including refractive state,axial length (AL),ophthalmic artery resistance and ophthalmic artery blood stream velocity were obtained and analyzed. Results:Compared with normal control eyes, experimental eyes had obvious myopia after eyelid suture-inducing for 60 days in group A and group C. Yet these did not show any difference in group B. Each group in right and left eyes,Ophthalmic artery resistance and ophthalmic artery blood stream velocity flow were showed a significant difference. Speaking form deprived eyes,above targets did not show any difference between group A and group C,